
星府命名 131 0


  1. IG:这个名字寓意霸气,代表着强大和无畏。
  2. WE:这个名字让人怀念,可能与某个特定的人物或事件有关。
  3. SS:被称为蛇队,寓意灵活和诡异。
  4. SDG:中国龙,象征着力量和威严。
  5. V5:意思是“威武”,表达了战队的战斗精神。
  6. FPX:全称FunPlus Phoenix,同样是运动品牌的名称,寓意着乐趣和胜利。
  7. EDG:全称Edward Gaming,来源于老板爱德华的名字,寓意着高贵和尊荣。
  8. RNG:全称Royal Never Give Up,意思是皇族永不言弃,表达了战队的坚持和不屈不挠的精神。
  9. AG:超玩会,全称All Games,意思是所有玩家,寓意着包容性和广泛的参与度。
  10. DYG:全称Dynamic Gaming,意思是动态游戏,寓意着灵活和多变。
  11. JC:之前的名字,坚持精彩的拼音缩写,后来改名为DYG。


LOL (League of Legends) Teams

IG: Implying strength and power

WE: Nostalgia for the team's past glory

V586: Combination of "V" and "587", symbolizing the team's identity

FPX: FunPlus Phoenix, a sports brand

EDG: Edward Gaming, named after its owner Edward

StarCraft 2 Teams

Clan Tags: Must be 2-4 letters, case sensitive, can include numbers and punctuation marks

RNG.M: Royal Never Give Up, meaning never give up

Honorifics in Esports

Alliance: A union of European well-known players led by Froggen

AG: All Games, meaning all players

Dig/DYG/JC: Dynamic game/Dynamic game Youth/Dynamic game Justice, indicating different teams with similar meanings but different origins

General Naming Conventions Across Games

Enforce naming policies to maintain a positive community environment

Some teams use unique abbreviations or symbols to stand out or have deeper meanings

Creative Naming Approaches in Esports

Reverse reading of names for unexpected meanings (e.g., FaZe)

Incorporating personal or thematic elements into team names for a unique identity

